Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can I get a frequent patient card?

         Wow. That describes the past week pretty well, not at all where I expect things to be going. The second week of the cycle is the most drug, ultrasound, and lab intensive. Overall I ended up with 17 ampules of hMG, 4 ultrasounds (3 within 5 days), two blood draws, and one trigger shot. The ultrasounds and blood draws are so frequent now that the obgyn’s office knows me by name and the pathology lab knows exactly where my order is coming from by just looking at me. Things that use to make my blood pressure and anxiety rise are now just another part of my day. That is a place I never thought I would be, where labs and scans filling the calendar is the norm.  
         That was not however the most stressful part of the treatment, that would be working with the doctor’s office. To preserve the integrity of the staff and myself I will not divulge details, but I will say communication is important in any relationship. The result of miscommunication among other actions has resulted and everyone being disgruntle, and ultimately our departure from our currently clinic. It had been an idea we had been discussing for a while and after this week we knew it was necessary. Our insurance covers much more at the other clinic, which will hopefully prevent some of problems we experience with misunderstanding in the past. I think fertility clinic staff would be much more understanding and considerate if they were aware of how much their patients are actually paying for services. And I must say after that was explained to the current clinic they were much more willing to accommodate us and we are very grateful.
       The results of treatment are hard to know because I was unable to have my usual ultrasound tech this go around and the pervious mentioned miscommunication. What I do know is that we had a few good follicles on the left and lots of small ones on the right, however the estradiol were not as high as we would like. Saturday after all the issues came to a climax and an ultrasound was performed by a doctor we were given the okay to go ahead with a trigger shot. We were also given the disclaimer that there is an “increased risk” of multiples. I laughed a little because who am I to be picky at this point? Do I desire high number multiples? No, but I think I would learn to make do.   

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