Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Only a few more months

This time last year we were getting prepare to see a reproductive endocrinologist, now we are getting prepare to bring baby Noah into the world. We have less than 100 days until our due date! The second trimester has been much better than the first (although it took a while to get there). I feel like I have been eating nonstop and I am about to buy a cow to save on milk cost. I would not trade this for anything though. I told Jeremy last night that there are times I want it to be May and other times I just want to cherish each and every moment of this time. If this is the only time that I am able to carry our biological child, I do not want to take it for granted. I am also ready to see his little face. As we approach that day we have taken both birthing and breastfeeding class. We realized that we are about as prepare as we can be for what is to come, mostly because I read all the time and Jeremy has delivered a baby already. Even though we are busy getting things situated for our new addition, the world does not stop for us. So, I am back to school for a couple classes, although it is likely that we will be a family of three before they end. I know I am a little crazy but for financial reasons it was the best plan and honestly with this being my 22nd consecutive year of school I do not know how to function without it.
Amazingly, by the grace of God, I have not really been completely overwhelmed. I have my moments of mini freak outs that are usually about nonsensical things, like having to eat hospital food for a day or two. Silly, I know. I have to thank everyone for the continued encouragement and prayers along this part of our journey, we had the potential for complications early and so far they have been avoided. As with any pregnancy we just hope for a healthy baby and mama, and if everything goes according to our birth plan that is just icing on the cake.  


  1. No worries there, I can bring you outside food! :) This post makes me very happy!

  2. All your visitors can bring you food! Im just down the street! And you can read all you want, but it is completely different in the midst of it! :) All worth it!!!!

  3. Hospital food has gotten better in the past few years. You might like it! Select the option to have someone pre-chew your food though. Just kidding!

  4. Hi there Jenni
    I just saw your film on youtube and that is how I found your blog. Struggling with infertility and endometriosis I would just like to hear what that herbalist gave you to try outt? I congratulate you with your pregnancy.
    God bless you,

  5. The supplements and schedule I was given were customized for my unique hormonal needs. The amount and type varies depending on what my body requires. I encourage you to look for a holistic chiropractor in your area and ask for help. Many supplements are only available through health care providers. Good luck on your journey and know that you are not alone.
    Proverbs 16:9

  6. It looks like you're in the home stretch! Good luck!!
    I would love to share your IF success story on my blog! Here's the info:
    Thanks so much in advance for being such an inspiration!

    1. Krissi feel free you share my story, if it can help just one person I have done my job.
      Sorry it took so long to reply, I'll be updating again soon.
