Wednesday, December 21, 2011


There are times when I still cannot believe this is happening, we are pregnant! We have reached a milestone that seemed so far off if not impossible for so long. The truth is I still see myself as having infertility, only blessed with the exception. Infertility and endometriosis are still important parts of who I am and always will be, they have shape me, my husband, and our relationship in ways we could have never foreseen. I like to hope that it has also changed the lives of others if only that they are more aware, understanding, and compassionate towards those suffering from reproductive disorders and infertility. I am not shy about the fact that it cost us a lot to get our miracle baby and that there are a lot of factors that often are left unseen during infertility treatment. Pregnancy is not a complete cure for infertility; I have been changed by this disease in many ways both good and not so good. I will remain an advocate for infertility education and care no matter how many pregnancies and babies we are blessed with.
As for an update on this pregnancy, it has been a wild ride thus far for sure with no signs of slowing down. I wish I could say pregnancy is the best experience of my life, but at this point that would be a lie. I always said I would not complain about pregnancy symptoms because some of them are very similar to those experienced with infertility treatment only with pregnancy it is because hormones are being produced to sustain a new life as oppose to injected hormones with the hope of follicle growth and ultimately pregnancy. But pregnancy brings about its own new challenges emotionally and physically. Honestly for the first trimester I did not allow myself to fully appreciate and take joy in fact that a life was growing inside of me. That sounds a little harsh I am sure but my history of infertility coupled with endometriosis increases the odds of miscarriage greatly. I just could not allow for myself to get my hopes up especially when I experienced bright red spotting between the 7th and 11th weeks. I had to continue use of progesterone supplements, yet another reminder that “normal” and pregnancy are not in the cards for me.
            When you are pregnant every woman that has ever had a child seems to tell you their pregnancy and birth stories. Sometimes I feel bad when someone asks how I’m feeling and my reply is, “Not so great.” Morning sickness is normal and for me it has been an adventure, I have to say that I am very thankful for the drug Zofran. Many people have told me I should feel better this trimester, I am still waiting on that. But if this is what it takes to have a child I can endure, vomiting is a heck of lot cheaper than hCG shots. The baby has been doing well and I not only got to hear the heartbeat but hear the baby move. The only concern right now is my blood pressure, it is a little high. I might have to go on medication for that in the future but I’m thankful that we were vigilant and caught it now, so we can better prevent complications such as preeclampsia. As long as the baby is healthy, I am happy.           
This Christmas is going to be great even if finances are a little tight as we catch up from all the medical costs it took us to get this far and to maintain this pregnancy. We got the best gift we could have hoped for, and truly I cannot ask for more. As I reflect on last year at this time, it really is amazing the difference a year makes. Treatments were not going well at this time last year, school had become overwhelming, and I was depressed. Who would have thought all of that would be completely different this year. We are going to have a baby in less than six months, school went better than expected (and I finished finals on time), and I am pretty happy.  My baby bump seems to get bigger by the day and I’ll admit I enjoy showing it off. At the end of next week we will find out the gender, Jeremy is betting on a girl. We’ll see. 


  1. I'm with Jeremy...girl all the way!

  2. Hi, Jenni! I'm a friend of Jeremy's from medic school. Your video and blog... Wow. I'm so happy and excited for you both!

    My track record with this is horrible, but I'm going with little pink bundle of joy arriving in May! Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your story.
